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The Book Of Joshua free essay sample

A ; Ruth Essay, Research Paper The Book of Joshua Chapter 1 The book begins with the history, non of Joshua? s life ( many singular transitions of that we had before in the books of Moses ) but of his reign and authorities. In this chapter, I. God appoints him to the authorities in the position of Moses, gives him an ample committee, full instructions, and great encouragements ( v. 1-9 ) . II. He accepts the authorities, and addresses himself instantly to the concern of it, giving orders to the officers of the people in general ( v. 10, 11 ) and peculiarly to the two folks and a half ( v. 12? 15 ) . III. The people agree to it, and take an curse of allegiance to him ( v. 16? 18 ) . A reign which therefore began with God could non but be honorable to the prince and comfy to the topic. The last words of Moses are still verified, # 8220 ; Happy art 1000, O Israel! Who is like unto thee, O people? ? ? Deu. We will write a custom essay sample on The Book Of Joshua or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 33:29. Chapter 2 In this chapter we have an history of the lookouts that were employed to convey an history to Joshua of the position of the metropolis of Jericho. Observe here, I. How Joshua sent them ( v. 1 ) . II. How Rahab received them, and protected them, and told a prevarication for them ( v. 2-7 ) , so that they escaped out of the custodies of the enemy. III. The history she gave them of the present position of Jericho, and the panic-fear they were struck with upon the attack of Israel ( v. 8? 11 ) . IV. The deal she made with them for the security of herself and her dealingss in the ruin she saw coming upon her metropolis ( v. 12? 21 ) . V. Their safe return to Joshua, and the history they gave him of their expedition ( v. 22? 24 ) . And that which makes this narrative most singular is that Rahab, the individual chiefly concerned in it, is twice celebrated in the New Testament as a great truster ( Heb. 11:31 ) and as one whose religion proved itself by good plants, James 2:25. Chapter 3 This chapter, and that which follows it, give us the history of Israel? s go throughing through Jordan into Canaan, and a really memorable history it is. Long afterwards, they are told to retrieve what God did for them between Shittim ( whence they decamped, v. 1 ) . and Gilgal, where they next pitched, ch. 4:19, Mic. 6:5, that they might cognize the righteousness of the Lord. By Joshua? s order they marched up to the river? s side ( v. 1 ) , and so almighty power led them through it. They passed through the Red Sea out of the blue, and in their flight by dark, but they have notice some clip before of their passing through Jordan, and their outlooks raised. I. The people are directed to follow the Ark ( v. 2-4 ) . II. They are commanded to consecrate themselves ( v. 5 ) . III. The priests with the Ark are ordered to take the new wave ( v. 6 ) . IV. Joshua is magnified and made commanding officer in head ( v. 7, 8 ) . V. Public notice is given of what God is about to make for them ( v . 9? 13 ) . IV. The thing is done, Jordan is divided, and Israel brought safely through it ( v. 14? 17 ) . This was the Lord? s making, and it is fantastic in our eyes. Chapter 4 This chapter gives a farther history of the marvelous transition of Israel through Jordan. I. The proviso that was made at that clip to continue the commemoration of it, by 12 rocks set up in Jordan ( v. 9 ) and other 12 rocks taken up out of Jordan ( v. 1-8 ) . II. The March of the people through Jordan? s channel, the two folks foremost, so all the people, and the priests that bore the Ark last ( v. 10? 14 ) . III. The shutting of the Waterss once more upon their coming up with the Ark ( v. 15? 19 ) . IV. The erection of the memorial in Gilgal, to continue the recollection of this work of admiration to descendants ( v. 20? 24 ) . Chapter 5 Israel have now got over Jordan, and the Waterss which had opened before them, to favor their March frontward, are closed once more behind them, to prohibit their retreat backward. They have now got terms in Canaan, and must use themselves to the conquering of it, in order to which this chapter tells us, I. How their enemies were dispirited ( v. 1 ) . II. What was done at their first landing to help and promote them. 1. The compact of Circumcision was renewed ( v. 2-9 ) . 2. The banquet of the Passover was celebrated ( v. 10 ) . 3. Their cantonment was victualled with the maize of the land, whereupon the manna ceased ( v. 11, 12 ) . 4. The captain of the Lord? s host himself appeared to Joshua to inspire and direct him ( v. 13? 15 ) . Chapter 6 Joshua opened the run with the besieging of Jericho, a metropolis which could non swear so much to the bravery of its people as to move offensively, and to direct out its forces to oppose Israel? s landing and encamping, but trusted so much to the strength of its walls as to stand upon its defense mechanism, and non to give up, or desire conditions of peace. Now here we have the narrative of the pickings of it, I. The waies and confidences which the captain of the Lord? s host gave refering it ( v. 1-5 ) . II. The test of the people? s patient obeisance in walking round the metropolis six yearss ( v. 6? 14 ) . III. The fantastic bringing of it into their custodies the 7th twenty-four hours, with a grave charge to them to utilize it as a devoted thing ( v. 15? 21 and 24 ) . IV. The saving of Rahab and her dealingss ( v. 22, 23, 25 ) . V. A expletive pronounced upon the adult male that should make bold to reconstruct this metropolis ( v. 26, 27 ) . An abstract of this narrative we find among the trophies of religion, Heb. 11:30. # 8220 ; By faith the walls of Jericho fell down, after they were compassed about seven days. ? ? Chapter 7 More than one time we have found the personal businesss of Israel, even when they were in the happiest position and gave the most hopeful chances, perplexed and embarrassed by wickedness, and a stop thereby put to the most promising proceedings. The aureate calf, the mutter at Kadesh, and the wickedness of Peor, had broken their steps and given them great perturbation ; and in this chapter we have such another case of the break given to the advancement of their weaponries by wickedness. But it being merely the wickedness of one individual or household, and shortly expiated, the effects were non so arch as of those other wickednesss ; nevertheless it served to allow them cognize that they were still upon their good behavior. We have here, I. The wickedness of Achan in tampering with the accurst thing ( v. 1 ) . II. The licking of Israel before Ai thereupon ( v. 2-5 ) . III. Joshua? s humiliation and supplication on juncture of that sad catastrophe ( v. 6-9 ) . IV. The waies God gave h im for the seting off of the guilt which had provoked God therefore to postulate with them ( v. 10? 15 ) . V. The find, test, strong belief, disapprobation, and executing, of the felon, by which the choler of God was turned away ( v. 16? 26 ) . And by this narrative it appears that, as the Torahs, so Canaan itself, # 8220 ; made nil perfect, ? ? the flawlessness both of sanctity and peace to God? s Israel is to be expected in the heavenly Canaan merely. Chapter 8 The embarrassment which Achan? s wickedness gave to the personal businesss of Israel being over, we have them here in a really good position once more, the personal businesss both of war and faith. Here is, I. The glorious advancement of their weaponries in the pickings of Ai, before which they had recently suffered shame. 1. God encourages Joshua to assail it, with the confidence of success, and directs him what method to take ( v. 1, 2 ) . 2. Joshua gives orders consequently to the work forces of war ( v. 3-8 ) . 3. The ploy is managed as it was projected, and succeeds as it was desired ( v. 9? 22 ) . 4. Joshua becomes maestro of this metropolis, puts all the dwellers to the blade, burns it, hangs the male monarch, but gives the loot to the soldiers ( v. 23? 29 ) . II. The great sedateness of authorship and reading the jurisprudence before a general assembly of all Israel, drawn up for that intent upon the two mountains of Gerizim and Ebal, harmonizing to an order which Moses had r eceived from the Lord, and delivered to them ( v. 30? 35 ) . Therefore did they take their work before them, and do the concern of their faith to maintain gait with their secular concern. Chapter 9 Here is in this chapter, I. The impolite Confederacy of the male monarchs of Canaan against Israel ( v. 1, 2 ) . II. The polite Confederacy of the dwellers of Gibeon with Israel, 1. How it was subtly proposed and petitioned for by the Gibeonites feigning to come from a far state ( v. 3? 13 ) . 2. How it was unwarily consented to by Joshua and the Israelites, to the disgust of the fold when the fraud was discovered ( v. 14? 18 ) . 3. How the affair was adjusted to the satisfaction of all sides, by giving these Gibeonites their lives because they had covenanted with them, yet striping them of their autonomies because the compact was non reasonably obtained ( v. 19? 27 ) . Chapter 10 We have in this chapter an history of the conquering of the male monarchs and lands of the southern portion of the land of Canaan, as, in the following chapter, of the decrease of the northern parts, which together completed the glorious successes of the wars of Canaan. In this chapter we have an history, I. Of the routing of their forces in the field, in which observe, 1. Their Confederacy against the Gibeonites ( v. 1-5 ) . 2. The Gibeonites? petition to Joshua to help them ( v. 6 ) . 3. Joshua? s speeds March under Godhead encouragement for their alleviation ( v. 7-9 ) . 4. The licking of the ground forcess of these Confederate male monarchs ( v. 10, 11 ) . 5. The marvelous prolonging of the twenty-four hours by the standing still of the Sun in favor of the vanquishers ( v. 12? 14 ) . II. Of the executing of the male monarchs that escaped out of the conflict ( v. 15? 27 ) . III. Of the pickings of the peculiar metropoliss, and the entire devastation of all that were found in them. Makkedah ( v. 28 ) . Libnah ( v. 29, 30 ) . Lachish ( v. 31, 32 ) and the male monarch of Gezer that attempted its deliverance ( v. 33 ) . Eglon ( v. 34, 35 ) . Hebron ( v. 36, 37 ) . Debir ( v. 38, 39 ) . And the delivery of all that state into the custodies of Israel ( v. 40? 42 ) . And, in conclusion, the return of the ground forces to the head-quarters ( v. 43 ) . Chapter 11 This chapter continues and concludes the history of the conquering of Canaan ; of the decrease of the southern parts we had an history in the foregoing chapter, after which we may say Joshua allowed his forces some breathing-time ; now here we have the narrative of the war in the North, and the happy success of that war. I. The Confederacy of the northern Crowns against Israel ( v. 1-5 ) . II. The encouragement which God gave to Joshua to prosecute them ( v. 6 ) . III. His triumph over them ( v. 7-9 ) . IV. The pickings of their metropoliss ( v. 10? 15 ) . V. The devastation of the Anakim ( v. 21, 22 ) . VI. The general decision of the narrative of this war ( v. 16? 20, 23 ) . Chapter 12 This chapter is a sum-up of Israel? s conquerings. I. Their conquerings under Moses, on the other side Jordan ( for we now suppose ourselves in Canaan ) due east, which we had the history of, Num. 21:24, etc. And here the condensation of that history ( v. 1-6 ) . II. Their conquerings under Joshua, on this side Jordan, westward. 1. The state they reduced ( v. 7, 8 ) . 2. The male monarchs they subdued, thirty-one in all ( v. 9? 24 ) . And this comes in here, non merely as a decision of the history of the wars of Canaan ( that we might at one position see what they had got ) , but as a foreword to the history of the dividing of Canaan, that all that might be put together which they were non to do a distribution of. Chapter 13 At this chapter begins the history of the dividing of the land of Canaan among the folks of Israel by batch, a narrative non so entertaining and informative as that of the conquering of it, and yet it is thought tantrum to be inserted in the sacred history, to exemplify the public presentation of the promise made to the male parents, that this land should be given to the seed of Jacob, to them and non to any other. The preserving of this distribution would be of great usage to the Judaic state, who were obliged by the jurisprudence to maintain up this first distribution, and non to reassign heritages from folk to tribe, Num. 36:9. It is similarly of usage to us for the explaining of other Bibles: the learned cognize how much light the geographical description of a state gives to the history of it. And therefore we are non to jump over these chapters of difficult names as useless and non to be regarded ; where God has a oral cavity to talk and a manus to compose we should happen an ea r to hear an oculus to read ; and God give us a bosom to gain! In this chapter, I. God informs Joshua what parts of the state that were intended in the grant to Israel yet remained unbeaten, and non got in ownership ( v. 1-6 ) . II. He appoints him, notwithstanding, to do a distribution of what was conqu ered ( v. 7 ) . III. To finish this history, here is a repeat of the distribution Moses had made of the land on the other side Jordan ; in general ( v. 8? 14 ) , in peculiar, the batch of Reuben ( v. 15? 23 ) , of Gad ( v. 24? 28 ) , of the half folk of Manasseh ( v. 29? 33 ) . Chapter 14 Here is, I. The general method that was taken in spliting the land ( v. 1-5 ) . II. The demand Caleb made of Hebron, as his by promise, and hence non to be put into the batch with the remainder ( v. 6? 12 ) . And Joshua? s grant of that demand ( v. 13? 15 ) . This was done at Gilgal, which was as yet their head-quarters. Chapter 15 Though the land was non wholly conquered, yet being ( as was said in the stopping point of the predating chapter ) as remainder from war for the present, and their ground forcess all drawn out of the field to a general rendezvous at Gilgal, there they began to split the land, though the work was afterwards perfected at Shiloh, ch. 18:1, etc. In this chapter we have the batch of the folk of Judah, which in this, as in other things, had the precedence. I. The boundary lines or bounds of the heritage of Judah ( v. 1? 12 ) . II. The peculiar assignment of Hebron and the state thereabout to Caleb and his household ( v. 13? 19 ) . III. The names of the several metropoliss that fell within Judah? s batch ( v. 20? 63 ) . Chapter 16 It is a commiseration that this and the undermentioned chapter should be separated, for both of them give us the batch of the kids of Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh, who, following to Judah, were to hold the station of honor, and hence had the first and best part in the northern portion of Canaan, as Judah now had in the southern portion. In this chapter we have, I. A general history of the batch of these two folks together ( v. 1-4 ) . II. The boundary lines of the batch of Ephraim in peculiar ( v. 5? 10 ) . That of Manasseh following in the following chapter. Chapter 17 The half folk of Manasseh comes following to be provided for ; and here we have, I. The households of that folk that were to be portioned ( v. 1-6 ) . II. The state that fell to their batch ( v. 7? 13 ) . III. The joint petition of the two folks that descended from Joseph, for the expansion of their batch, and Joshua? s reply to that petition ( v. 14? 18 ) . Chapter 18 In this chapter we have, I. The puting up of the Tabernacle at Shiloh ( v. 1 ) . II. The stirring up of the seven folks that were yet unsettled to look after their batch, and the seting of them in a method for it, by Joshua ( v. 2-7 ) . III. The distributing of the land into seven tonss, by certain work forces employed for that intent ( v. 8, 9 ) . IV. The determining of these seven parts to the seven folks yet unprovided for by batch ( v. 10 ) . V. The peculiar batch of the folk of Benjamin, the boundary lines of it ( v. 11? 20 ) . And the metropoliss contained in it ( v. 21? 28 ) . The other six tribes we shall happen good provided for in the following chapter. Chapter 19 In the description of the tonss of Judah and Benjamin we have an history both of the boundary lines that surrounded them and of the metropoliss contained in them. In that of Ephraim and Manasseh we have the boundary lines, but non the metropoliss ; in this chapter Simeon and Dan are described by their metropoliss merely, and non their boundary lines, because they lay really much within Judah, particularly the former ; the remainder have both their boundary lines described and their metropoliss names, particularly frontiers. Here is, I. The batch of Simeon ( v. 1-9 ) . II. Of Zebulun ( v. 10? 16 ) . III. Of Issachar ( v. 17? 23 ) . IV. Of Asher ( v. 24? 31 ) . V. Of Naphtali ( v. 32? 39 ) . VI. Of Dan ( v. 40? 48 ) . Last, The heritage assigned to Joshua himself and his ain household ( v. 49? 51 ) . Chapter 20 This short chapter is refering the metropoliss of safety, which we frequently read of in the Hagiographas of Moses, but this is the last clip that we find reference of them, for now that affair was exhaustively settled. Here is, I. The jurisprudence God gave refering them ( v. 1-6 ) . II. The people? s appellation of the peculiar metropoliss for that usage ( v. 7-9 ) . And this remedial jurisprudence was a figure of good things to come. Chapter 21 It had been frequently said that the folk of Levi should hold # 8220 ; no heritage with their brethren, ? ? no peculiar portion of the state assigned them, as the other folk had, no, non the state about Shiloh, which 1 might hold expected to be appropriated to them as the lands of the church ; but, though they were non therefore project into a state by themselves, it appears, by the proviso made for them in this chapter, that they were no also-rans, but the remainder of the folks were really much gainers, by their being dispersed. We have here, I. The gesture they made to hold their metropoliss assigned them, harmonizing to God? s assignment ( v. 1, 2 ) . II. The nomination of the metropoliss consequently out of the several folks, and the distribution of them to the several households of this folk ( v. 3-8 ) . III. A catalogue of the metropoliss, 48 in all ( v. 9? 42 ) . IV. A reception entered in full of all that God had promised to his people Israel ( v. 43? 45 ) . Chapter 22 Many peculiar things we have read refering the two folks and a half, though nil separated them from the remainder of the folks except the river Jordan, and this chapter is entirely refering them. I. Joshua? s dismissal of the reserves of those folks from the cantonment of Israel, in which the had served as aides, during all the wars of Canaan, and their return thereupon to their ain state ( v. 1-9 ) . II. The communion table they built on the boundary lines of Jordan, in item of their Communion with the land of Israel ( v. 10 ) . III. The offense which the remainder of the folks took at this communion table, and the message they sent thereupon ( v. 11? 20 ) . IV. The apology which the two folks and a half made for what they had done ( v. 21? 29 ) . V. The satisfaction which their apology gave to the remainder of the folk ( v. 30? 34 ) . And ( which is unusual ) , whereas in most differences that happen there is a mistake on both sides, on this there was mistake on no side ; none ( fo r nothing that appears ) were to be blamed, but all to be praised. Chapter 23 In this and the undermentioned chapter we have two farewell discourses, which Joshua preached to the people of Israel a small before his decease. Had he designed to satisfy the wonder of wining ages, he would instead hold recorded the method of Israel? s colony in their new conquerings, their farming, makers, trade, imposts, tribunals of justness, and the fundamental laws of their infant commonwealth, which one would wish to be informed of ; but that which he intended in the registries of this book was to imply on descendants a sense of faith and their responsibility to God ; and hence, overlooking these things which are the usual topics of a common history, he here transmits to his reader the methods he took to carry Israel to be faithful to their compact with their God, which might hold a good influence on the coevalss to come who should read those logical thinkings, as we may trust they had on that coevals which so heard them. In this chapter we have, I. A convention of the provin ces called ( v. 1, 2 ) , likely to confer with about the common concerns of their land, and to put in order that which, after some old ages? test, being left to their prudence, was found desiring. II. Joshua? s address to them as the gap, or possibly at the concluding, of the Sessionss, to hear which was the chief design of their coming together. In it, 1. Joshua reminds them of what God had done for them ( v. 3, 4, 9, 14 ) , and what he was ready to make yet farther ( v. 5, 10 ) . 2. He exhorts them carefully and resolutely to persist in their responsibility to God ( v. 6, 8, 11 ) . III. He cautions them against all acquaintance with their idolatrous neighbors ( v. 7 ) . IV. He gives them just warning of the fatal effects of it, if they should revolt from God and turn to idols ( v. 12, 13, 15, 16 ) . In all this he showed himself avid for his God, and covetous over Israel with a reverent green-eyed monster. Chapter 24 This chapter concludes the life and reign of Joshua, in which we have, I. The great attention and pains he took to corroborate the people of Israel in the true religion and worship of God, that they might, after his decease, persevere in this. In order to this he called another general assembly of the caputs of the fold of Israel ( v. 1 ) and dealt with them. 1. By manner of narrative, telling the great things God had done for them and their male parents ( v. 2? 13 ) . 2. By manner of charge to them, in consideration thereof, to function God ( v. 14 ) . 3. By manner of pact with them, wherein he aims to convey them, ( 1. ) To do faith their deliberate pick ; and they did so, with grounds for their pick ( v. 15? 18 ) . ( 2. ) To do it their determinate pick, and to decide to adhere to it ( v. 19? 24 ) . 4. By manner of compact upon that pact ( v. 25? 28 ) . II. The decision of this history, with, 1. The decease and entombment of Joshua ( v. 29, 30 ) and Eleazar ( v. 33 ) , and the ref erence of the entombment of Joseph? s castanetss upon that juncture ( v. 32 ) . 2. A general history of the province of Israel at that clip ( v. 31 ) . The Book of Ruth Chapter 1 In this chapter we have Naomi? s afflictions. I. As a hard-pressed housekeeper, forced by dearth to take into the land of Moab ( v. 1, 2 ) . II. As a plaintive widow and female parent, deploring the decease of her hubby and her two boies ( v. 3-5 ) . III. As a careful mother-in-law, wishful to be sort to her two girls, but at a loss how to be so when she returns to her ain state ( v. 6? 13 ) . Orpah she parts with in sorrow ( v. 14 ) . Ruth she takes with her in fright ( v. 15? 18 ) . IV. As a hapless adult female sent back to the topographic point of her first colony, to be supported by the kindness of her friends ( v. 19? 22 ) . All these things were melancholy and seemed against her, and yet all were working for good. Chapter 2 There is barely any chapter in all the sacred history that stoops so low as this to take awareness of so intend a individual as Ruth, a hapless Moabitish widow, so intend an action as her reaping maize in a neighbor? s field, and the minute fortunes thereof. But all this was in order to her being grafted into the line of Christ and taken in among his ascendants, that she might be a figure of the bridals of the Gentile church to Christ, Isa. 54:1. This makes the narrative singular ; and many of the transitions of it are informative and really improvable. Here we have, I. Ruth? s humbleness and industry in glittering maize, Providence directing her to Boaz? s field ( v. 1-3 ) . II. The great favor which Boaz showed to her in many cases ( v. 4? 16 ) . III. The return of Ruth to her mother-in-law ( v. 18? 23 ) . Chapter 3 We found it really easy, in the former chapter, to clap the decency of Ruth? s behavior, and to demo what good usage we may do of the history given us of it ; but in this chapter we shall hold much bustle to justify it from the imputation of indecency, and to salvage it from holding an ailment usage made of it ; but the goodness of those times was such as saved what is recorded here from being sick done, and yet the badness of these times is such as that it will non warrant any now in making the similar. Here is, I. The waies Naomi gave to her daughter-in-law how to claim Boaz for her hubby ( v. 1-5 ) . II. Ruth? s punctual observation of those waies ( v. 6, 7 ) . III. The sort and honorable intervention Boaz gave her ( v. 8? 15 ) . IV. Her return to her mother-in-law ( v. 16? 18 ) . Chapter 4 In this chapter we have the nuptials between Boaz and Ruth, in the fortunes of which there was something uncommon, which is kept upon record for the illustration, non merely of the jurisprudence refering the marrying of a brother? s widow ( Deu. 25:5, etc. ) , for instances help to elaborate Torahs, but of the Gospel excessively, for from this matrimony descended David, and the Son of David, whose bridals to the Gentile church were herewith typified. We are here told, I. How Boaz got clear of his challenger, and reasonably shook him off ( v. 1-8 ) . II. How his matrimony with Ruth was publically solemnized, and attended with the good wants of his neighbors ( v. 9? 12 ) . III. The happy issue that descended from this matrimony, Obed, the gramps of David ( v. 13? 17 ) . And so the book concludes with the lineage of David ( v. 18? 22 ) . Possibly it was to compel him that the blest Spirit directed the inserting of this narrative in the sacred canon, he being wishful that the virtuousnes ss of his great-grandmother Ruth, together with her Gentile extraction and the remarkable Providences that attended her, should be transmitted to descendants. 337

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